Polaris PCF031AFG - Bedienungsanleitung - Seite 18

Polaris PCF031AFG

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ENG FOOD NEEDS CARE, TOO Preserving food requires different temperatures according to its nature: meat, vegetable or fish. Pastry products need a proper percentage of moisture to stay soft. Ice cream requires specific temperatures to maintain its creaminess. If food has to be preserved for a long ti...

Seite 2 - ENG; 0 years of experience in the field of refrigeration ena-; FRA; Grâce à ses 30 ans d’expérience dans le secteur de la; DEU; 0 Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Kühlung machen; SPA; Los 30 años de experiencia en el campo de la refrige-; GASTRONOMIA; THE NEW

ENG 30 years of experience in the field of refrigeration ena- bles Polaris to find the right solution for all these needs having developed a wide range of equipment for specific use in each sector.Equipment is built specifically for: • GASTRONOMY• ICE CREAM• BAKERY• PIZZERIA• BLAST CHILLING/FREEZIN...

Seite 3 - IGIENE E SICUREZZA; Nell’intervallo di temperature fra +65 °C e +10 °C si ha la; proliferazione batterica; nei cibi che può generare; ABBATTITORI

4 I VANTAGGI DELL’ ABBATTIMENTO 1• Distruzione flora batterica 2• Moltiplicazione flora batterica 2• Arresto attività batterica ENG 1• Bacteria are destroyed 2• Bacteria multiply 3• Bacteria are dormant DEU 1• Zerstörung der Bakterienflora 2• Vermehrung der Bakterienflora 3• Stopp der Bakte- rienflo...