Lenovo S500z - Handbuch - Seite 24

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Информация о WEEE для Венгрии

Компания Lenovo, как производитель, несет расходы в связи с выполнением своих обязательств
согласно венгерскому закону № 197/2014 (VIII.1.), подразделы (1)–(5) раздела 12.

Информация об утилизации для Японии

Collecting and recycling a disused Lenovo computer or monitor

If you are a company employee and need to dispose of a Lenovo computer or monitor that is the property
of the company, you must do so in accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of
Resources. Computers and monitors are categorized as industrial waste and should be properly disposed
of by an industrial waste disposal contractor certified by a local government. In accordance with the Law
for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, Lenovo Japan provides, through its PC Collecting
and Recycling Services, for the collecting, reuse, and recycling of disused computers and monitors. For
details, visit the Lenovo Web site at http://www.lenovo.com/recycling/japan. Pursuant to the Law for
Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, the collecting and recycling of home-used computers
and monitors by the manufacturer was begun on October 1, 2003. This service is provided free of
charge for home-used computers sold after October 1, 2003. For details, visit the Lenovo Web site at

Disposing of Lenovo computer components

Some Lenovo computer products sold in Japan may have components that contain heavy metals or other
environmental sensitive substances. To properly dispose of disused components, such as a printed circuit
board or drive, use the methods described above for collecting and recycling a disused computer or monitor.

Disposing of disused lithium batteries from Lenovo computers

A button-shaped lithium battery is installed inside your Lenovo computer to provide power to the computer
clock while the computer is off or disconnected from the main power source. If you need to replace it with a
new one, contact your place of purchase or contact Lenovo for service. If you need to dispose of a disused
lithium battery, insulate it with vinyl tape, contact your place of purchase or an industrial-waste-disposal
operator, and follow their instructions. Disposal of a lithium battery must comply with local ordinances
and regulations.

Информация по утилизации для Бразилии

Declarações de Reciclagem no Brasil

Descarte de um Produto Lenovo Fora de Uso

Equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos não devem ser descartados em lixo comum, mas enviados à pontos de
coleta, autorizados pelo fabricante do produto para que sejam encaminhados e processados por empresas
especializadas no manuseio de resíduos industriais, devidamente certificadas pelos orgãos ambientais, de
acordo com a legislação local.

A Lenovo possui um canal específico para auxiliá-lo no descarte desses produtos. Caso você possua
um produto Lenovo em situação de descarte, ligue para o nosso SAC ou encaminhe um e-mail para:
[email protected], informando o modelo, número de série e cidade, a fim de enviarmos as instruções
para o correto descarte do seu produto Lenovo.


Lenovo S500z Руководство пользователя

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