SteelSeries 62490 - Bedienungsanleitung - Seite 14

SteelSeries 62490

Computer-Maus SteelSeries 62490 – Bedienungsanleitung, kostenlos online im PDF-Format lesen. Wir hoffen, dass dies Ihnen hilft, etwaige Fragen zu klären. Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über das Kontaktformular.

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• You would not have purchased the product if you had known about the problem.
• The product is significantly different from the description, sample or demonstration model you were shown.
• The product is substantially unfit for its normal purpose and cannot easily be made fit within a reasonable


• The product is substantially unfit for a purpose that you told the supplier about, and cannot easily be made

fit within a reasonable time.

• • The product is unsafe.
For services, there is a major failure to comply with a consumer guarantee when:

• You would not have engaged the service if you had known the nature and extent of the problem.
• The service does not meet the reasonable expectations for that type of service, and the problem cannot be

rectified within a reasonable time.

• You told the supplier that you wanted the service for a specific purpose, which was not fulfilled, and the

problem could not be easily rectified within a reasonable time.

• You told the supplier that you wanted a specific result, yet the service and end result failed to meet your

specifications and could not be easily rectified within a reasonable time.

• The supply of the service has created an unsafe situation.
For information on Australian consumer laws, please visit Australian consumer law website at http://www.

Importer Name and Address:

Ingram Micro Pty LTD / Level1, 61 Dunning Avenue. Rosebery NSW 2018

Telephone technical support:


이 기기는 가정용(B급) 전자파적합기기로서 주로 가정에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 모든 지역에서 사용할

수 있습니다



: SteelSeries ApS.



: Mouse



: M-00021








: SteelSeries ApS./China

この装置は、クラスB機器です。この装置は、住宅環境で使用することを目的とし ていますが、この装置がラ

ジオやテレビジョン受信機に近接して使用されると、受 信障害を引き起こすことがあります。 取扱説明書に

従って正しい取り扱いをして下さい。 VCCI-B

„Anleitung wird geladen“ bedeutet, dass Sie warten müssen, bis die Datei vollständig geladen ist und Sie sie online lesen können. Einige Anleitungen sind sehr groß, und die Zeit, bis sie angezeigt wird, hängt von Ihrer Internetgeschwindigkeit ab.

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